
Thursday, 1 December 2016

Letter to Santa

Dear Santa I am great full for my family because I always do things with my family. For Christmas i would love a connect four to play with my sisters I think I deserve a present because I come back from school and clean up my family's roms Love from Jade f

Monday, 28 November 2016

My weekend

In the weekend I went to the beach with my family. I was so excited to go to the beach because I like to swim. After that we went to go buy some yummy food.  then daisy was setting on a big rock after that she fall and she scraped her knee finally we went home and it started to rain. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Friday, 4 November 2016


I'm very happy about Christmas because last year I didn't get eney thing but I'm getting something this  Christmas.  I don't know what I am getting for chritmasbut I hope I get a iPad for Christmas. And it is my big sisters birthday we are doing my sisters birthday and we are doing Christmas. 

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Narrative Writing

One beautiful sunny day there was a girl named Michelle and anther girl named Riley they went for  a walk in the desert to see their family they went to see their family so they could spend time with the when they where nearly there someone popped out of the tree it said where are you going in a creepy voice she started to laugh and he took off his mask they thought it was a stranger but it wasn't it was their mum Michelle and Riley said why are you dressed like that she said we are ready for holaween so their mum told them the way home Riley felt dizzy she fall on the floor  Michelle and her mum didn't look at the back Michelle  and her mum where at their house then they looked at the back they didn't realise that Riley wasn't their then Riley had bad talking then Riley started to talk then Michelle said you don't sound like Riley. Riley said because I'm not Riley she brang out Riley out of the car she said if I give you her you have to give me all of your money they where so rich that they had to give of their money to her.   

Friday, 16 September 2016

Sharing objects into equal groups

We have been Learning to share objects equally to solve division problems

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Narrative writing

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Jack and a girl named Amy. They lived in the deep dark forest. One day they went for a walk in the forest then they got terrified because they were lost. Soon thay saw a wolf he said I want some "dinner" and that was the big bad wolfs dinner.  He was going to eat them lucky the bear wanted the fight with the wolf and he did after that the two kids said do you want to have some dinner with us he said "yes" at the end he said "thank" you ". Jack and Amy went for a walk again they saw the big bad wolf 

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Narrative writing

Once upon a time there lived gorgeous  princess named Mary. She lived in a castle in the forest.  One morning she made some soup.  Next an evil witch with a green face. She knocked on the door. Then she asked if she can come in she said yes. After that the princess went to go check her friend animals then the wicked witch put something evil in the soup. Then the princess ate the soup and she died on the floor. Finally the wicked witch giggled. She  went out of her house. 

Friday, 26 August 2016

My friendship day

In the weekend I went to go pick up Keyana to go to the pools. But befor that we went  to slvea park. To eat Maccas we went at 1:00 in the afternoon. And after that we had fun together. And I loved it. First in the morning Keyana came to pick me and Adriana up to go to Keyana's house to have fun. In  Keyana's Garage. Next  we went to KFC because Adriana was hunger. Because she did'nt eat at home.  Finally we had a sleep over. 

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Hiwi the kiwi

This cold, wet,grey and raining morning, we saw a show called Hiwi the Kiwi. We learnt that to keep birds safe we do not put rubbish in the sea because if the birds eat the rubbish in the sea they will die. We learnt  that if you pick a big fish put it back because it has eggs in it.

Monday, 8 August 2016

My Weekend

In the weekend I went to the hospital.  I went with my mum and my family to visit my Brother because he faintted at cross country. He was sad. His heart was bumpy and I was happy because he was feeling good. 

Friday, 29 July 2016

After Numbers to 100

We are learning to say the number thet comes after to 100. 

My Holiday Highlight

My highlight is at the pools.  I was swming with my family and it was amazing daisy was showing me how to bo a handstand in the pool. After the pools we went to go and get some food the food was very yum and nice. After thet we went to the puck with my family and my little cosin came with me and my family. And then we went to go and pick up the cake for my mums Birthday. 

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Under The Sea Narrative

Once upon a time there lived a wonderful mermaid. She lived in the beautiful coral reef. One day the wonderful mermaid met a nice shark. She didn't now the shark was evil soon the wonderful mermaid new the shak had a bad plan. He did have a bad plan but he didn't, tell the mermaid. The wonderful mermaid had a plan too. The shark said do you want to have some dinner?''The wonderful mermaid said yes the wonderful mermaid ran away after dinner. She went to her family but the shark got her by the tail. Then the shark ate her. 

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Narrative Writing

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess they lived in a humongous castle in the forest one day the princess  wanted to go to the bole but the witch woodent let the princess go to the bole once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess they lived in a beautiful castle one day the princess was going for a walk she was picking some flowers and then the evil witch took the princess was scared of the evil witch the princess took the apple off the witch's hande she took a bit she fell on the floor. The prince saw the evil witch In her house and the princess on the floor. The prince sneaked in the evil witeh's house. The prince saw the potion. The prince oped the princess mouth. He put the potion in her mouth and then the princess came back to life.   

Friday, 17 June 2016

Winter Morning Weather.

This morning it was foggy and cold. I was freezing and Daisy gave her gumper to me . It was windy and it was windy and and it was wet and muddy. when I breathed fog came out of my Mouth At home Daisy put her jumper on the heater

Making arrays

We are learning to make arrays to help us solve multiplication problems.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Te Tuhi Dreamhouse Artwork

At the end we outlined our dream house in vivid in my dream house there is a helicopte  and a slide it was fun I like my dream house

Friday, 13 May 2016

I Luminate

Yesterday PES watched I Luminate after lunch. The whole school watched I Luminate. It was so so so cool. I was so so so happy, they where from America .

Friday, 6 May 2016

Holiday Highlight

I the holidays on Tuesday I went to the swimming pools mum and dad I had  fun with my mum and dad and I like to play with my mum and dad when I swim I like to swim when I go to the pools I like swim a lot it was fun too I was so happy I was smiling my  mum  and dad was smiling to the pools because I like to swim.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Fia fia night

I am in Tongan girls group I am excited I am so so so So so so  happy I like fia fia  fia fia  is fun I like  to dance I am wearing brun  it was on Thursday night at 7 o'clock  I am in Tongan girls it was on the filed I Fult happy .

Friday, 8 April 2016

Fia Fia

Tonight  is fia fia I am in Tongan girls group am exscited I am so so so so so so happy I like fia fia fia fia is fun  I like  to  dace  I am wearing brun

Friday, 1 April 2016

Life Cycle of the butterfly

The butterfly lays eggs on the leaves of a plant.  The eggs hatch. Out comes a baby caterpillar.  The caterpillar eats its shell then it eats the leaf and it starts to grow.  When the  caterpillar is big enough it stops eating.  It turns into a chrysalis After about 15 days out  comes a butterfly. 

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Cookie Writing

Like the moon, my chocolate chippie biscuit is  circular. The chocolate chippie biscuit looks  like a face with little dots. It feels bumpy like concrete. It smells sweet like bubblegum. 

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

All About Me

My name is Jade f .I am 6 years old. I am a year2 stuednt . I go to pt England  school.i live in g.I. I have 7 kids in my family my mums name is Pauline my Dads name is John. My favourites food is Appel . I like to play on the pack. I like reading too thet all about me I like Rading to my teacher .

Thursday, 18 February 2016

The Spooky House

Once upon a time there was a witch in the spooky house. The house was on a hill. The evil witch was on the hill. The witch went to the forest she went up stairs she saw a zombie was brainy she went home. The witch got the broom she smacked it with the broom a zombie came to visit her.